
Harness the potential of emerging tech with tailored professional services

Executive Education & Workshops

Melissa delivers customized talks and workshops on technology, AI, and quantum computing.

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Subject Matter Expertise

Melissa works with media companies and science communication teams to produce engaging, scientifically-accurate content.

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Technology Strategy Consulting

Melissa helps organizations develop emerging technology strategies aligned with their business goals.

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AI Implementation Consulting

Melissa develops and deploys AI applications for impactful digital transformations.

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Read what my clients are saying


Your session on AI was a huge success! I’ve had more positive feedback on your session than on any other.

Rating: 5 out of 5.


You set an excellent example of how to lead a team of builders in a way that maximizes the benefit we are providing our customers, while also maximizing the development of the people on our team.

Rating: 5 out of 5.

It was great to hear your insights about AI! Lots of exciting applications and potential. We’ve been continuing the conversation in our teams and your presentation gave us a great foundation to build off of.

Rating: 5 out of 5.


I feel smarter after hearing this talk, so thank you.

Rating: 5 out of 5.


About Melissa

Hello! I’m a technology consultant specializing in artificial intelligence and quantum technologies. I help business leaders develop innovative digital strategies and implement solutions to modernize their organizations.

  • I led the delivery of two multi-million dollar conversational AI implementations and built a first-of-its kind AI sales tool as part of IBM’s Cognitive and Analytics practice.
  • I collaborated with some of Canada’s leading AI organizations to deliver machine learning courses and workshops to 415+ professionals through Toronto’s Vector Institute.
  • I created opportunities for 14,000+ children and youth to engage with university students and professionals through STEM outreach initiatives.


Quantum Computing Fundamentals

Like most physicists, I’ve always ‘nerded out’ over new technology, but quantum computing is particularly exciting to me. Quantum computers are not simply more powerful classical computers. They constitute a fundamentally different computing paradigm.